Legend of the Week #8 – Euan Tryner

This week’s Legend of the Week is Euan! He won BUCS individual as well as being part of the first team at the relay, winning last leg and finishing in overall first!

Name: Euan Tryner
Course: 2nd year Civil Engineering
Where are you from: Sheffield
When/how did you start orienteering: My parents did it so they dragged me along

Pre race hype song: Anything Macklemore
Go to uni meal: Lazy option – hummus and salad sandwich, when I can be bothered – pesto pasta (lots of effort…)
Most memorable race: JWOC relay 2023 – I think about it lots but maybe for the wrong reasons, Jukola 2024 – got the team from 55th to 37th on second leg! (out of over 1500 teams!!)
Best orienteering achievement: Two gold medals at World Schools 2019 or 2nd fastest leg time on World Unis relay
Dream sponsor: Nike would be cool, also Nature Valley
Coolest place you’ve run: Oringen sprint in Uppsala, more the number of people there than the venue
Aims for the year: Try and score a World Cup point in Sweden this year (top 50)
Fave thing about EUOC: I love that everyone is friends, I feel like I can sit down and have a nice chat to anyone and I like pasta night
thumb/baseplate compass: thumb
Fave EUOC social: ‘I’m a social butterfly it’s hard to choose’, pasta night
Sprint or forest: Forest – I’m better at it, it’s why you orienteer in the first place, there’s something nice about being out and about in cool places
Go to karaoke song: I don’t have one, never done it, probably Wonderwall if I had to (unfortunately he doesn’t have the high notes for Olivia Rodrigo)
Biggest rival: Jim + Wozzle
Idol: Lewis Hamilton – he overcame lots of boundaries to be the best at what he does which is inspiring
Dream date location: Somewhere pretty nice, maybe a mountain somewhere, definitely an outdoor date

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