Legend of the Week #7 – Fiona Bunn

This week’s Legend of the Week is Fiona!! It’s been a busy semester for her already, planning the Urban race at Big Weekend and winning British Nights for the second year in a row!! She has also been heavily involved in organising our new Performance Coach! Fiona was also nominated for the Female Athlete of the Year award at this year’s Sports Ball!

Name: Fiona Bunn
Course: PhD Biological Sciences
Where are you from: Abingdon, Oxfordshire
When/how did you start orienteering: Before I was even born! My mum did a mountain marathon when she was pregnant with me, I actually started very young as my parents both did it.

Pre race hype song: Following the Sun – SUPER-Hi, NEEKA
Go to uni meal: soup – there is a soup maker in the office which makes it in 20 mins (this information is going to change Stan’s life)
Most memorable race: JWOC relay 2019 – we won! Celebrating as a team, and it being my final international race as a teenager was amazing
Best orienteering achievement: silver medal at JWOC middle 2019!!
Dream sponsor: Leukotape for ankle strapping – expensive but very effective and I go through it very quickly
Coolest place you’ve run: I spectated Swiss O Week on top of a glacier in 2023
Aims for the year: to compete at my first forest WOC and finish my PhD
Fave thing about EUOC: lots of fun adventurous people up for random adventures
thumb/baseplate compass: thumb
Fave EUOC social: anything involving a ceilidh!
Sprint or forest: forest
Go to karaoke song: ‘you will never get me doing karaoke’
Biggest rival: Grace Molloy
Idol: Megan Mitchell
How excited are you for the EUOC performance coach: very!! I’ve been coached by Nixon in some of my best junior years, we worked well together and having an orienteering specific coach will be very useful

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