Legend of the Week #1 – Alex Wetherill

Our first Legend of the Week is Alex (Wozzle)!! He organised our first weekend away of the year to the Lake District which was a massive success! In the absence of Captain Joe he stepped up to run the weekend.

Name: Alex Wetherill (Wozzle)
Course: Third-year mechanical engineering
Where are you from: Pirton, North Hertfordshire
When/how did you start orienteering: He started being pushed round in a pram when he was tiny, but only started taking it seriously after his first year of uni

Pre-race hype song: Devil in a New Dress – Kanye West

Go to uni meal: bangers and mash, bolognese

Most memorable race: the Lakes Weekend middle in Colonel’s Drive, the forest was green but really nice and he really enjoyed it. Also Scottish Relays in Roseisle, he caught up Jammond and overtook him to take the win for EUOC!

Best orienteering achievement: Winning BUCs individual in 2023, taking the relay win the next day as well and EUOC winning overall to top it all off! A very successful weekend in Edinburgh for us!!

Dream sponsor: Right Move – will they give him a free flat??

Coolest place you’ve run: Glen Affric when he did a long leg from WOC 2015 as part of the not-Stockholm summer camp in Findhorn. Also while on the Isle of Harris, after a night spent sleeping in the car with Joe, he completed the last few hills over 500m with an early morning run before the journey home – an excellent way to end the trip!

Aims for the year: Have fun!

Fave thing about EUOC: Probably the people – it’s such a lovely community to be a part of

Thumb/Baseplate compass: thumb compass – specifically the Moscow that he bought from Emma!

Fave EUOC social: 100% rounders, he has already got plans for the next game

Sprint or forest: It would have to be forest

Go to karaoke song: Dance Wiv Me – Dizzee Rascal

Biggest rival: He doesn’t really think like that, but if he had to pick he reckons it would be Jim

Idol: Matthew Gooch or Graham Gristwood

Ideal new committee role: Ball Game Coordinator – Wozzle is very enthusiastic about rounders!

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