The first EUOC Legend goes to our club captain, Laura King. She’s been working hard behind the scenes to make sure the club runs smoothly over these first few weeks. Congratulations!

Name: Laura King
Course: Chemistry 3rd year
Where are you from?
God’s Own County ❤ (aka Yorkshire, aaka the best place in the world)
Why did you decide to be the EUOC captain?
Its wasn’t a choice… it was a calling. Just kidding, but really there wasn’t a lot of choice involved, no one else seemed keen and we couldn’t have a club without a captain could we.
EUOC highlight of the year (event/social/weekend)?
It has to be Big Weekend. Probably the most exhausting weekend (/week/month) I’ve had and I didn’t even run any races (I was the organiser, not just lazy). Fave social goes to the SU Ball. It’s always a good laugh seeing everyone swap the running kit for kilts, dresses and heels.
How did you start off orienteering?
I was orienteering as soon as I could walk thanks to my parents. I’ve many a memory of being dragged out the car, probably in tears, and sent out into the forest to fend for myself with only a map and a compass. Many years have now passed and I’ve grown to love the sport ❤ I started really enjoying and training for Orienteering at about 14 when I started to go on the national summer training camps where you make all your pals.
Sum up your orienteering career with three words?
Got with Kasper 😉
Favourite discipline?
Love a cheeky Middle
Best race?
Best result was Junior European Cup 2016 Sprint, which was actually at Stirling uni. It felt like a pretty standard race but somehow managed to come 4th (1 second of the bronze may I add). It was bitter sweet because it was better than I expected to do, but being so close to the medals was a tad annoying.
Favourite race has to be the Junior European Cup 2018 Mixed Sprint Relay in the Swiss Alps. I was running last leg so the pressure was on. This was the first race that season that I’d felt fit enough to compete with the top girls after a whole load of injuries. Turned into a sprint finish for 6th (top six teams get on the podium) with a Swiss girl, which I very nearly lost. The location and the atmosphere made it pretty memorable.

Pre-race hype song?
You and Me – Nick Manfredi (it’s a banger –
Favourite terrain?
Some Scandi skog never fails to disappoint
Future goals?
Primary goal is to teach my body to run for more than a few months without getting injured. Then to maybe go for World Unis but I’ll see where I am come selection races next year.
Interesting fact?
I’ve got one leg longer than the other
Orienteering hero?
Grace Molloy ❤
Favourite orienteering shoe?
VJ Bolds always, although I’m partial to a Supra
Left or wrong handed compass?
Favourite orienteering Instagram account?