COVID-19 Update

We hope everyone is doing well and following government regulations to get through these difficult times. Since university was suspended, EUOC has ceased organized training activity in Edinburgh, and our Fight with the Night series was also halted as people were moved indoors to combat the spread of the virus. We are unable to continue hosting social events, and our fantasy league has also stopped running because of the cancellations of events across the UK that EUOC members were planning on attending. While our main activities have dwindled, it is important to share what we are still doing.

On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 17.00, we have Coreditioning calls on Zoom, and you can find the link to that on our Facebook page. On Fridays we also have a weekly pub quiz on Zoom at 20.00, which is a good chance to stop by for a few laughs (same Zoom link). You can send in pictures of your pasta to our Instagram page (@euoclegends) so we can post it to our story, a virtual pasta night to temporarily replace the original, and on Thursdays our Insta story has a route choice quiz that you can partake in. There are also Catching Features events hosted by Scottish Catching Features League on Twitter and Lockdown Orienteering, which we have a link to on several of our social channels.

We hope that normal activities resume soon so that we get back out to regular events and orienteer normally, but until then, keep safe and join us in our weekly exploits.

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