Legend of the Week #6 – Stan Heap

Our first Legend of the Week for semester two is Stan!! He cooked us some delicious pasta last week, as well as organising the sponsors for Big Weekend.

Name: Stan Heap
Course: 4th year Mechanical Engineering
Where are you from: West Hoathly, Sussex
When/how did you start orienteering: our neighbor did it and persuaded us to go when I was a bottom year 14

Pre-race hype song: Avicii – something cheesy
Go to uni meal: soup – I have it for lunch basically every day! (today was leek and potato)
Most memorable race: passed out from hypothermia at the Midlands Champs 2016, lay down in the heather in the snow and I have no memory of running the 2k back to the finish
Best orienteering achievement: joining EUOC!! Winning m16 JK Sprint and Long 2017
Dream sponsor: Waitrose for free food or EasyJet for the foreign training camps
Coolest place you’ve run: Venice during covid so it wasn’t too busy
Aims for the year: get round the JK in one piece, and start running a bit more
Fave thing about EUOC: lots of nice people – ‘the cheesy one that everyone does’ thumb/baseplate compass: neither, I lent it to someone and never got it back 😔 would be thumb though
Fave EUOC social: Beerienteering, a classic, nice to see all the other clubs there too
Sprint or forest: forest
Go to karaoke song: Patience or Shine, both by Take That
Biggest rival: David Bunn growing up, now it’s Tommy Heap (sibling rivalry eek)
Idol: my Dad, he’s done lots of cool stuff in his life
Obsession: chickens (ask him for a fun fact!!)

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