Legend of the Week #2 – Ewan Bennett

This week’s Legend of the Week is none other than our JEC star Ewan Bennett!! He made his GB debut last week in Austria with a solid set of races, the highlight being the middle race where he finished in 42nd, beating clubmate Toby by just under a minute.

Name: Ewan Bennett
Course: Second year biological sciences
Where are you from: Banchory, Aberdeenshire
When/how did you start orienteering: 9 years ago, when I was 10 I went to Jon Musgrave’s local event at Glen O’Dee and never looked back!

Pre race hype song: Little Monster – Royal Blood

Go to uni meal: (a lot of) baked potatoes and chilli

Most memorable race: Coasts and Islands day 3 at Achnamara, it was an absolute slog but I managed to stay with Boyan for two controls in a lovely forest

Best orienteering achievement: selection for the GB team at JEC 2024

Dream sponsor: Greggs – for the steak bakes

Coolest place you’ve run: the forests in Croatia at the Zagreb Open on EUOC holiday

Aims for the year: to pass all of my courses, and not get injured or glandy again…

Fave thing about EUOC: the nights out, because everyone gets along in a nice social group and there’s always someone to give good advice. Also the weekends away and winning BUCs year after year – we’re sure this year will be no different!!!!

thumb/baseplate compass: thumb compass – ‘I’m not a savage’

Fave EUOC social: Beerienteering – on Tuesday, see you there!!

Sprint or forest: forest because it is all different, you can go to places you never would have gone otherwise and most importantly it gets fun when it’s grim

Go to karaoke song: Paint the Town Red – Doja Cat

Biggest rival: Jonas Newey – doesn’t seem to do any training but still manages to beat me, and if he isn’t there then flatmate Alex Matthew

Idol: Jon Musgrave, maybe Wozzle

Pre race snack: plain slices of bread with absolutely nothing on (and he says he’s not a savage…)

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